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Title IX
The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges is committed to providing an environment in which all students who participate in College programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free from unlawful discrimination, harassment, or violence.
Sexual violence and sexual harassment are prohibited by law and by Board policy and the Colleges will not tolerate sexual violence or sex harassment in any form, including, but not limited to, sexual assault; stalking; dating violence; domestic violence; acquaintance, date or stranger rape; non-consensual sexual intercourse; sexual cyber-harassment or sexual bullying. The Colleges will take appropriate action to prevent, correct, and discipline harassing or violent behavior that is found to violate Board policies and principles of equal opportunity and access.
The safety and well-being of our students and employees is a top priority for the Nebraska State College System. Sex discrimination is not tolerated in our campus communities. Sex discrimination includes sexual assault, sex/gender harassment, dating or domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, and retaliation.
The safety and well-being of our students and employees is a top priority for the Nebraska State College System. Sex discrimination is not tolerated in our campus communities. Sex discrimination includes sexual assault, sex/gender harassment, dating or domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, and retaliation.
If you feel that you have experienced sex discrimination, you may contact your college's Title IX Coordinator for assistance.
Chadron State CollegeMorgan Cullan |
Peru State CollegeEulanda Cade |
Wayne State CollegeAlicia Dorcey |
Title IX Training
The Nebraska State Colleges have prepared the following training for Title IX.